Hydraulic Motor, Norwinch MH380 F - Refurbished QTY: 2 each
BOP, 21-1/4", 5000 psi, Annular - Hydril GL - Ready for use QTY: 1 each
Transmission, National, Type C for rotary table QTY: 1 each
Valve, misc. types , from 2" to 36", new from stock QTY: On request
Wire ropes, 19 - 24 - 32 - 34 - 38 - 42 - 48 - 57 mm, misc length - New QTY: 11 lenghts
Crane, Offshore, 400 T SWL at 20 m - 28 m (40/56 m) boom - Liebherr BOS QTY: 1 each
Spider, Riser, Gimballed, Hang Off Table - Well Intervention QTY: 3 each
Valve, Gilmore: Valves and Repair Kits - NEW BY ORDER QTY: On request