Valve, Ball, 24", 900#, API 6FA - Refurbished QTY: 1 each
Shackle, 2000 Te SWL, GN forged rope shackles QTY: 2 each
Winch, Hydraulic, 15 T, Single Drum - Diesel QTY: 1 each
Ram Blocks, Multi Ram 18 3/4" 10K Shaffer BOP QTY: n/a
Carousel, Cable Turntable, 500 Te SWL with product QTY: 1 each
Drawworks, Ideco, E3000 - Used QTY: 1 each
Spools, BOP, all sizes - New by order QTY: On request
Valve, API & ANSI, Misc types and sizes - New by order QTY: On request