Reel Winch, Hydraulic, 17 Te SWL, Reel OD 3581 mm - Coflexip QTY: 1 each
Connector, Wellhead, 18-3/4" 15K - H4 - DW HD - Vetco - Unused QTY: 1 each
Crane Spare Parts, Staalprodukter - Misc. QTY: Misc. parts
Crane Spare Parts, Winch, Bucyrus Erie MK-60 Cranes - Refurbished QTY: 5 each
Valve, Butterfly, 20", Class 150 lbs - New QTY: 1 each
Accommodation Container, 4 to 8 men x 32 ft QTY: 10 each
Carousel, Cable Turntable, 100 Te SWL with product QTY: 1 each
Ram Blocks, Multi Ram 18 3/4" 10K Shaffer BOP QTY: n/a